Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blog 1-Arrival in New York

I arrived in New York City with my dad (Steve) on Thursday, August 26. After checking in to my dorm, we went shopping for essentials and took a short walk in Central Park. The next day we visited Liberty Island (with the Statue of Liberty), and Ellis Island. We've been in orientation since then.

My dorm is really nice. The building is only a  year old. We have a two bathrooms for four girls, and our windows look out over the Queensborough Bridge and the Manhattan skyline. The only negative so far is that our room is th only one that doesn't have internet yet. That's why I haven't posted before today.  Here's a picture of the view:

Our studio/classroom building is also really nice. The windows have a great view of the Empire State building. I have to dive right in to work, because we have our first critique on Monday, September 6.

The Kitchen

Here's a view of the classroom. You may not be able to see it, but since this is an art school, the desks are covered in doodles

Prayer Requests: I have an interview for an internship with the artist Denise Green on Thursday, September 2 at 10:30am. Also, pray that I'm outgoing and make good friends soon.