Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Blog 9-Student Show

This past Friday, our student art show opened in the NYCAMS gallery space. My parents came out for the occasion on Thursday.

Thursday night, we went to see the play "The Screwtape Letters", based on the book by C. S. Lewis. It was an hour and a half long and was very good.

Wednesday I was able to wear a t-shirt around, but out of the blue Thursday got cold. You can see in this picture that Mom and I are trying stay warm while dad fiddles with the camera.

Friday I spent the majority of the day preparing for my show that evening and working on things for my final on Monday. At 5:00 pm, the opening started with a reception for the parents to provide an opportunity for them to talk to the faculty. At 6:00 pm, the show was open to the public. Below are images of the two works that I had in the show. All of my work that I made this semester deals with the migraines that I battled.

In this bottom one, the body is melting into a puddle.

 My aunt Karen and cousins Dan, Malorie, and Isabel came from their home in Connecticut to see the show. It was very exciting to see them. Denise Green, the artist that I interned with this semseter, also came to see the show. This is an image of us by one of my works.

Jesse wasn't able to make it out again for the opening, so he bought me that beautiful dress and and the jewelry I'm wearing.

On Saturday, my dad went with them to the Museum of Modern Art. I had to go to the studio to prepare for my final on Monday, so I didn't get to go with. Here is a picture of them in front of a Monet.

That afternoon we went to see "The Phantom of the Opera" at The Majestic on Broadway. It was absolutely amazing. I like the movie, but this was better. We sat right underneath the chandelier, so it was pretty exciting when it came swinging down. Here we are in front of the theater after the show.

I will be finishing up my internship today (Tuesday) through Thursday. Friday I have my last class and the farewell banquet. Saturday and Sunday I plan to finish packing all of my stuff and shipping it home. And finally, Sunday, I return home to Minnesota for good!

Thank you all for your prayers this semsester. Please continue to pray that I won't get any migraines in the next couple days so that I can finish my internship successfully.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blog 8- Thanksgiving

I went home to the beautiful snowy Minnesota for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, my camera battery was dead, so this will be an image-less blog. :(

Lydia picked me up at the airport the evening of November 23. We went shopping for a few hours so that I could say hello to Jesse when he got home from work. Below are the highlights of the six days I was home:

I gave Lydia a haircut and purple and pink highlights. It looks really nice, but not too extreme.

Jesse and I had Thanksgiving lunch at his aunt's house on Thursday, and then made Thanksgiving lunch for my parents and Lydia on Friday.

Jesse went to Target on Black Friday at 3am to get an XBox 360. The only problem is that when I get home we'll probably be up everynight playing Halo or Call of Duty. Suprisingly, I really like those first-person shooter games.

A personal favourite: Jesse took me to Pizza Hut for lunch. They don't deliver to my apartment here in NY and since they are my favourite pizza place, I was really craving them.

Beyond the highlights, Jesse's parents and his siblings celebrated in International Falls at his sister's house, so apart from a "hello-goodbye" with his parents, I didn't get to see any of them.

Ultimately, it was a very good trip. It's unbearably warm here in NY (I don't even need a coat yet), so I was very very happy to be back up north.